Hi….it’s Sunday again..
Strange tho…for a change, I like this Sunday…because…
1) I finished my task last Friday, so that my boss went to meet the client happily this morning without bugging me. It is good to have right people at the right place, so that work is properly planned and everything seems so managable
2) 2 CADS person seconded from Manila arrived here today. They r both good and helpful, they know what r they supposed to do with very minimal explanations, it lessen my burden
3) I’ve got my clothes for work sent for pressed last weekend, and it was nicely pressed. This will ease me every morning and I can wake up a little bit late as compared to before. Anna was the one who offered me the service since she needs some side income. I remember one ancient Chinese proverbs which means “it’s better to teach someone to fish rather than giving them the fishes”… no doubt I can do this chore but it is just a way of helping her ,plus she has done it nicely…so why not?? Thanks Anna!!
4) I had my room cleaned last Saturday after few weeks being left unattended. I hope I can maintain that…hehehe what a lazy me..
5) I’m getting closer to my trip!! Even though I haven’t fully prepared in term of packing and so…but am just too happy, because I just need a break!!
So tht’s about it….I LOVE THIS SUNDAY!!!